Tomasz Kowalewski

Tomasz Kowalewski

Full Professor, IPPT PAN, Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering
telephone: +48-228269803, +48-602193472 (mobile phone)
location: office - Pawińskiego 5B, room 227; Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter

Tomasz Kowalewski is a professor of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering at IPPT PAN (Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences).
His present work spans fundamental and applied research areas in micro and nanoscale transport effects in fluids, biological and medical applications of nanomaterials, nanofibrous materials, microfluidics, microPIV, and thermochromic liquid crystals. He has considerable experience in flow visualization, experimental and numerical modelling, including natural convection, solidification, free surface and atmospheric flows.